Ministry Leader
Julie Thomason
Ladies Night
Monday, November 11 @ 6:00pm
As we play games, eat food, and connect with one another, we will introduce you to Esther and watch a short video about her. If you would like to bring a snack or dessert to share, it would be appreciated, but not required. Registration is always appreciated, but not necessary either. We would love to see each lady there!
Sit-N-Sip Meeting
4th Monday Monthly
Monday, November 28 @ 6:00pm
Many of us crave those connections women have within friendships, but we are either too busy or we feel like we can't step into that first conversation. God created all of us for community (Acts 2:42), but we have all felt isolated in today's world. We want to give you the opportunity to make those friendships and community by attending a monthly hangout with ladies just like yourself! There is no pressure to RSVP or attend regularly. This is a time where you can grab a drink of your preference, sit for a short devotional, and spend some time hanging out & connecting with others. We'll be meeting on the fourth Monday of every month starting at 6:00pm. We hope you can join us for some much-needed quality time.
New Bible Study
In-person Meetings
Every Wednesday | 9am or 6:30pm
The book has not been chosen yet but will not cost more than $20. This will be a 4-week bible study starting November 20 (with no class the day before Thanksgiving) and ending on December 18, with a morning class at 9:00am and an evening class at 6:30pm. More information on the actual study title will be coming in a few weeks. Be sure to register so we have an accurate number of study books for the class. Please contact Kim Andrews with any questions.