What's a Small Group?
Small groups help people grow in their faith and build community. Our groups take place throughout the week in different locations, so use this page to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!
Where & When?

Young Adult Group
Leader: Elise & Ryan Sarver
This group is for anyone 18-30 years old and meets every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at the Church starting at 6:00pm.

Beginner Bible Group
Leader: Alisha Cooper
This group is for anyone that has little or no experience reading the bible. Meetings happen at the Church every Sunday at 5:30pm.

Open Small Group
Leader: Jeff & Sherry Killian
This group is for anyone that would like to attend at the Church every other Tuesday starting at 6:00pm.

Open Small Group
Leader: Steph & Mike Kirk
This group is for anyone that would like to attend every other Sunday starting at 6:00pm and is hosted at the leader's house.

Chronic Illness Group
Leader: Marti Johnston
This group is for anyone that is struggling with a chronic illness. Meetings happen at the Church every other Wednesday at 6pm.